Fuselage docking has been completed on the tenth serial MS-21 aircraft set

Photo by © Notes of Aircraft Builders TG-channel

The Irkutsk Aviation Plant (IAZ) has completed docking of the fuselage of the tenth serial set of MS-21 aircraft. The work is being done in the final assembly shop, reports Notes of Aircraft Builders TG-channel.

The fuselage of the next MS-21 was assembled in shop 246 of the civil aircraft assembly shop. The first stage was the docking of the front half-fuselage from compartments F1, F2 and F3, and the rear half-fuselage from compartments F4, F4A and F5. Then the components of the future aircraft were moved to the area of the final assembly building.

Here, the measurement and positioning team set the aircraft in a horizon line and aligned it. Then, after checking a number of parameters, including clearances and alignment, the docking process began. At the next stage, the specialists of the IAZ will carry out the convergence of the wing consoles with the centre wing.

In parallel with the work on the tenth serial MS-21 aircraft, the IAZ continues to assemble panels for the eleventh airliner. It is planned that in September the front and rear half-fuselages of the eleventh set will be joined, and in October it will be brought together.

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