The main news in the sphere of unmanned aviation in March 2023

Photo by © Transport of the Future press service

MSTU GA has begun training instructors for unmanned aircraft. The Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation, subordinate to the Federal Air Transport Agency, has begun training a new group of instructors for operating unmanned aircraft systems, which include one or more unmanned aircraft with a maximum takeoff weight of 30 kg.

Rosaviatsia has formed a new unit to certify UAS. The subdivision was created for “systemic issues of introduction of UAS and certification of these types of aircraft” by the order of the head of Rosaviatsia Alexander Neradko.

Samara prepares legal conditions for flight tests of cargo UAVs. An innovative company, developer of unmanned aerial systems, one of the key investors in the Samara UAS cluster “Transport of the Future” submitted to the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation an official application for the introduction of an experimental legal regime in the region for the flight tests of UAS. The strategic partner of the company in the creation and operation of the EPR is the research center “Aeroscript”.

The market for agricultural drones will grow to $14 billion by 2033. The study notes that drone sales for agriculture continue to grow, with the agricultural sector accounting for nearly 11% of the global drone market at the end of 2022. The introduction of drones in agriculture allows to increase crop yields, make land management decisions faster and save time.

Rosaviatsia has formed a new unit to certify UAVs. By order of the head of Rosaviatsia Alexander Neradko and in order to systematically work on the issues of implementation of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) and certification of these types of aviation equipment in the Federal Autonomic Agency “Aviaregister of Russia” a special unit for certification of UAS was formed. As of March 22, 2023, seven applications for type certification have been received, one of which is BAS-200.

In the Far North, for the first time in Russia, mail was delivered by drone. Recipients living above the Arctic Circle received their parcels delivered by the BAS-200 unmanned aerial system. The UAV performed demonstration flights for the Russian Post in low temperatures near Salekhard, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

UAV will search for people using cell phone signals. “Roselectronics and BSTU VOENMEKH will create a search module capable of finding injured or lost people even outside the cellular network coverage area. The complex of onboard equipment will be installed on the UAV and used to support search and rescue operations in difficult geographical and meteorological conditions.

It is offered to include lessons on drone aviation into the school curriculum. It follows from the letter with proposals “on improvement of legislation and elimination of administrative barriers for the development of unmanned aviation” which “Aeronext” sent to the Ministry of Transport. Participants of the Russian commercial drone market suggested adding theoretical disciplines and practical drone lessons to school curricula to help ensure Russian sovereignty in the aviation field.

Drones, space, photogrammetry: big conference on April 11. Geoscan’s leading specialists will speak about the perspectives of the industry, share their experience and present the company’s products including the new development – the first Russian industrial video-copter.

Long-range reconnaissance complex with integrated drone is created in the OKB “Astron”. The reconnaissance complex has a unified system of control and receiving images on a single monitor. Recognition of detected targets is made by an unmanned thermal imaging system at ranges of up to six kilometers. Ground-based thermal imaging stations of the “Blokpost-4T” complex enable the detection of people at ranges of up to 800 m, and vehicles at ranges of up to 2 km. Built-in video analytics highlights detected objects on the screen to help the operator in their identification, which if necessary sends a drone to the right place.

The MAI created a drone with unlimited flight time. The Moscow Aviation Institute has created a quadcopter capable of remaining in the air for an unlimited amount of time through external cable power supply. The drone is designed for video monitoring of the environment in cases where a long stay above the ground is required, including no-fly zones. A patent is currently being issued for individual design solutions

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