TsAGI presents the design of a two-fuselage transport aircraft

Photo by © TsAGI Press Service

Scientists of the Central Institute of Aerohydrodynamics named after Professor N.E. Zhukovsky (TsAGI) presented the image of a promising twin-fuselage aircraft of the future at the school seminar “Aerodynamics and Flight Dynamics of Aircraft” held in mid-March. The four papers described the concept of the new aircraft and the results of research into the characteristics of individual aircraft elements.

Photo by © TsAGI Press Service

The future aircraft has an asymmetric layout with two fuselages and three engines. The right fuselage, which has a circular cross-section, houses the fuel tanks, while the left fuselage, which has an oval cross-section, houses passengers and cargo. Computational studies have shown that this configuration provides high aerodynamic performance and contributes to increased passenger capacity.

The aircraft will carry various types of cargo up to 40 tonnes, including oversized cargo, on a special pylon under the wing. The aircraft can also be used to carry spacecraft. The project was developed as part of the state programme “Development of the Aviation Industry for 2013-2025”.

TsAGI tested the air intake of the impeller propulsion system of a regional aircraft

The seminar presented the results of research into the load-bearing characteristics of a wing with impeller engines. This solution provides a significant increase in the lift of the wing during take-off and landing, which can significantly improve the efficiency of the aircraft during critical phases of flight.

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