On 15 December 2023, the Novosibirsk State Technical University (NSTU) hosted a profile round table organised by Rusaviaprom together with NSTU. The main purpose of the event was to discuss options for creating a Russian turboprop engine by reverse engineering method – reverse engineering.
“Rusaviaprom has already successfully mass-produced TVS-2MS aircraft in Novosibirsk, which is a modification of the legendary An-2. However, in order to improve the aircraft performance, it is necessary to replace the piston engine ASH-62IR with a more modern Honeywell turboprop engine. Taking into account the absence of a domestic engine with similar characteristics, Rusaviaprom decided to take the initiative to develop a Russian turboprop engine through reverse engineering,” the company’s press service reported.
The round table was attended by specialists from various organisations that have competences in the aviation and engine building fields, and their knowledge and experience can be useful for this project. Among them are the Faculty of Aircrafts of NSTU, the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Institute of Thermophysics, Lyulka Design Bureau – branch of PJSC ODK-UMPO, Institute of Engines and Power Plants of Samara University, Tomsk Polytechnic University, TsIAM, S7 Space, Additive Technology Competence Centre, Rosatom’s fuel company TVEL.
Alexey Kryukov, Director of Rusaviaprom, stressed that the purpose of the event is to gather relevant information on the capabilities and competences of various organisations to create a family of turboprop engines. This will make it possible to determine the most efficient way of development and ensure high quality and reliability of the final product.
According to him, Russia now needs at least 60 such engines. In the world, about 50 thousand power units of this class are produced per year. “If we take at least 5% of the market, it will be two and a half thousand, and this is already a good volume to produce them serially,” said the head of Rusaviaprom.
Reverse-engineering of the American turbofan engine TRE331-12, which is installed on TVS-2MS aircraft, may take from three to five years. Rusaviaprom is ready to provide Honeywell engine for studying and recreating the technology, the company specified.
The domestic aviation industry has experience in creating equipment by reverse engineering. In the second half of the 1940s, the Tupolev Design Bureau developed the Tu-4 bomber (except for the engines) on the basis of the American B-29 Superfortress heavy bomber.